Art direction
As an art director, I define the visual codes for the creation and development of content in such a way that they are coherent with what is sought to be transmitted in each project. I firmly believe that visual codes are powerful tools to support the processes of social transformation.

Annual Report 2023
Art direction, Editorial design

Art direction, Graphic Identity, Illustration

Art direction, Illustration, Editorial design

REAL, A Post-Growth Deal
Art direction, Graphic Identity, Illustration, Web design

Art direction, Graphic Identity, Illustration, Branding, Web design

Unlearning the Activist Script
Art direction, Illustration

Artificial Intelligence + Human Rights
Art direction, Graphic Identity, Illustration

Conferences on Democracy, Algorithms and Resistance
Graphic Identity, Art direction, Illustration, Web design, Branding

Lottery of a Human City
Art direction, Graphic Identity, Mobility + Urbanism, Illustration

Art direction, Graphic Identity, Illustration

Intel·ligència Artificial: Com informar amb perspectiva de drets humans
Art direction, Illustration

Violencias Machistas
Art direction, Illustration

Research & Degrowth
Art direction, Graphic Identity, Web design

Art direction, Web design, Illustration

My Playground
Art direction, Illustration, Mobility + Urbanism, Collective processes

Art direction, Illustration, Web design

Mobility 4S
Art direction, Illustration, Mobility + Urbanism